Minneapolis - May 27, 2020

Following the culture war 2016-2022

A History of Political Violence

Civil unrest, political violence and riot actions on the activist / militant Left and Right 2015-2022.

This is a parsing of political events that turn violent, when one group shows up to riot- or “counter” another group’s pre-scheduled demonstration.

Incitement & cultural context are noted, but attribution is primarily assigned for “group political violence,” a lone individual targeting a political event is also included.

* A racist mass shooting is not classified as a political event in this study, as the shooter does not distinguish between killing a conservative, liberal or otherwise, and the act of mass murder is universally condemned. Additional info.

Omissions and peer review welcome from SPLC & ADL, or any researcher of political extremism from the right or left.

One side is consistently showing up politically to riot- or to organize a “shut it down” counter-action against the other’s political events.

One side is “countering” at a ratio of at least 7 to 1.

One side, at times, reacts disproportionately with violence, often citing self-defense.

Italics (Non-violent event or violence thwarted)
Red (Right initiating group violence, riot or assault on counter-protesters) Blue (Left initiating group violence, riot or assault on counter-protesters).

* or * indicates violent response from the opposed group. Video links underlined.

2015 Prologue

3.10.15 Ferguson, MO 2 police officers shot after BLM protest against police. Shooter never located.
Baltimore, MD Rioting torches parts of the city after protest against death of Freddie Gray during police arrest.
4.27.15 Mother famously berates her son who dressed in Black Bloc riot garb.

5.1.15 Seattle, WA Antifascist-Anarchist May Day Riot

6.16.15 New York City Trump announces candidacy.
In the first 2 minutes, takes a hardline against undocumented immigration, employing divisive rhetoric re. Mexico:
“They’re not sending their best… they’re bringing drugs, they’re bringing crime, they’re rapists, and some I assume are good people.”

A day later, Dylan Roof, who penned a racist, white supremacist manifesto, kills 9 Black parishioners in South Carolina.
He will get the death penalty.

Trump, in an interview with Don Lemon says of Dylan Roof, “I would have wanted to rip the guy’s heart out.”
Trump calls President Obama’s speech on the tragic murders “excellent.”

In his 2015-2016 Presidential campaign, Trump attracts a constant stream of protesters, some of which are physically manhandled & harassed by the crowd.

8.09.15 Ferguson, MO Multiple shootings at protests and looting on the anniversary of Michael Brown’s death.

8.23.15* Miami, FL Three groups of Hispanic protesters counter protest a Trump rally. Scuffles break out.

In December of 2015, a Muslim American couple in San Bernardino kills 14 others in a mass shooting and attempted bombing.
They are killed by police. The mass killing is universally condemned.


1.26.16 Malheur Refuge, OR Bundys and other anti-government militia, including Oath Keepers, cease their armed take-over,
occupying a wildlife refuge to protest a federal lands grazing dispute.
1 person killed by law enforcement in stand off, after the 41 day occupation comes to an end.

2.01.16 Cedar Rapids, IA At his last rally before the Iowa Caucus, Trump goes viral for saying,
"If you see somebody getting ready to throw a tomato, knock the crap out of them.“

3.09.16 Fayetteville, NC 78 year old John McGraw sucker elbow punches protester Rakeem Jones, as he is escorted out of a Trump rally.
Trump considers paying legal fees. McGraw later apologizes to Jones. They hug in court at the end of 2016.

3.11.16 Chicago, IL Progressive student group shuts down Trump rally before it can begin. Some scuffles & clashes.
3.21.16* Tuscon, AZ Anti-Trump provocateurs disrupt rally. One wears a KKK hood. Black Trump supporter beats one of them.

4.28.16 Costa Mesa, CA Leftist riot & attacks on conservatives at Trump rally.
5.25.16 Albuquerque, NM Leftist riot against police outside Trump rally.
6.03.16 San Jose, CA Leftist riot & attacks on conservatives at Trump rally.

Omar Mateen kills 49 people and wounded 53 more at the Pulse nightclub in Orlando. .

6.18.16 Las Vegas, NV A 20 year old man attempts to kill Donald Trump, after training at a Vegas shooting range. Judge rules him mentally ill.

6.26.16* Sacramento, CA Antifascist militants attack Traditional Workers Party & Golden State Skinheads white nationalist rally. Multiple stabbings; riot.

9.21.16 Charlotte, NC Riot at BLM protest over death of Keith Scott.

11.05.16 Harrisburg, PA Antifascist militants and others protest National Socialist Movement (NSM, Nazi) rally behind police barricade. *No violence recorded.

11.09.16 Portland, OR Activist Left rioting following the election of Donald Trump. #NotmyPresident protest
11.09.16 Oakland, CA Activist Left rioting following the election of Donald Trump. #NotmyPresident protest
11.10.16 Portland, OR Activist Left rioting following the election of Donald Trump. #NotmyPresident protest
11.10.16 Oakland, CA Activist Left protest blocks off highway as #NotmyPresident protests continue.


1.19.17 Washington DC Trump supporters attacked at “DeploraBall” by black bloc antifascist-anarchists.
1.20.17 Washington DC Antifascist-Anarchist Inauguration rioting in DC.
1.20.17* Seattle, WA Leftist counter action & attacks against those at Milo Y. event at University of Washington.
Trump supporter shoots Leftist Wobbly citing self-defense.

2.1.17 UC Berkeley Antifascist-Anarchist Riot action & destruction against Milo Y. appearance.
Those perceived as not supporting the mob, including videographers, physically attacked.

2.2.17* NYU ‘NYU Anti-Fascists’ group organize “Disrupt Gavin McInnis at NYU” FB event to oppose the vent hosted by NYU college Republicans. Fights ensue.

Woman beaten and pepper sprayed by antifascists.

2.22.17 JRE Gavin McInnis announces on Joe Rogan’s podcast that he formed “a gang”, from a drinking club which had formed around the Gavin McGinnis show..

Based on an Aladdin musical tune, it is called “Proud Boys” & members acted as his security detail at NYU, to fight antifascists who countered the speaking event.

On his show, right wing shock jock McGinnis plays videos of “his guys” getting beaten up and bloodied by the mob in Berkeley.
He decides the 4th degree should be getting in a fight for “the cause” of fighting back against Antifa.

3.2.17 Middlebury, VT Middlebury college students shut down Charles Murray speech. Assault on the faculty interviewer, Allison Stanger, who is given a concussion.
3.4.17* UC Berkeley Riot action against pro-Trump rally.
4.15.17 * Berkeley Riot action against pro-Trump rally. Promoted by @BerkeleyAntifa
4.27.17 Berkeley After Coulter speech cancelled, Trump supporters hold Free Speech Rally.
Oath Keepers and ‘Bikers for Trump’ show up as security. No recorded violence.

Portland, OR Antifascist- Anarchist May Day Riot
5.01.17 Olympia, WA Antifascist- Anarchist May Day Riot

6.04.17 Portland, OR Trump supporters hold rally in Portland. Activist Left rioting.

6.15.17 Evergreen U, WA Right wing Patriot Prayer & others protest in support of Prof. Bret Weinstein, opposed by Anarchist-Antifascist Black Bloc counter.

On May 26th, 2016 Jeremy Christian stabs and kills two men while injuring a third after yelling racist remarks at a woman in a hijab on a Portland train. Evidence shows an altercation that escalated to the stabbings. Christian was known by Antifascists & had shown up to political rallies, identifying against Antifa supporters.

Video also shows Christian being kicked out from a Patriot Prayer-Proud Boys event.
He defines himself as a Nihilist, “I’m not on any of your sides. I am the news.”

8.11.17 Charlottesville, VA University of Virginia: “Unite the Right” white ethno-nationalist tiki-torch marchers chant racist slogans.
“Jews will not replace us” and “blood & soil.”

“Alt-Right” marchers clash with counter protesters at statue of Thomas Jefferson.

8.12.17* Charlottesville, VA Antifascist counter action vs. “Unite the Right” rally at Lee Park.
James Fields kills Heather Heyer with vehicle; riot. Multiple brawls. Unite the Right organizers are found libel but not convicted of federal conspiracy charges.

8.26.17 Berkeley, CA What the Washington Post describes as “peaceful right wing protesters” are attacked by 100 antifascist anarchists.

9.14.17 Berkeley, CA Woman supporting Ben Shapiro assaulted at UC Berkeley where the conservative commentator was scheduled to speak.


On February 14, 2018 Nikolas Cruz murders 17 at a high school in Parkland, Florida. It is the deadliest school mass shooting in history.
Cruz had been recently orphaned in late 2017 and had a history of behavioral issues. No political motive.

4.21.18 Newnan, GA National Socialist (Nazi) rally behind fortified police line. Large counter demonstration. *No violence recorded

6.30.18 Portland, OR Antifascist-Anarchists attack Patriot march

8.05.18 Berkeley, CA Antifascist-Anarchist riot action vs. “Say No to Marxism” rally. Organizer: @BerkeleyAntifa

10.12.18* New York City Antifascists counter Gavin McGinnis performance event. Brawl with Proud Boys.
Antifascist throws bottle. Violent right wing response with 2 Proud Boys given three years each in prison.

10.26.18 Plantation, FL Trump supporter Cesar Sayoc is arrested for mailing 16 IED pipe bombs to prominent Democrats. He will plead guilty to 65 felonies.

On October 27, 2018, a racist killing took the lives of 11 members of the Tree of Life Synagogue in Pittsburgh, PA. The mass murder is universally condemned.
”This wicked act of mass murder is pure evil,” Trump says of the attack.

On November 7, 2018 a gunman in Thousand Oaks, CA kills 12 people at a bar on “college night,” including one law enforcement officer.
Investigators report he was a Marine combat vet suffering from PTSD and motivated by hatred of college students.


1.17.19.* Vancouver, WA Patriot Prayer members show up at Democratic Socialists of America meeting to livestream.
They are allegedly accosted by “a masked group.”
Two patriot prayer members are sent to the hospital following a melee.

Portland, OR. Members Patriot Prayer show up at the DSA HQ. There is graffiti reading ‘Antifa House’ in the wake.

5.01.19 Portland, OR Cider Riot - Militant right group “Patriot Prayer” crashes May Day gathering at “Antifa” bar. Brawling ensues.
Right winger knocks out black bloc leftist with a club. Multiple charges against “Patriot Prayer” members.

6.29.19 Portland, OR Antifa aligned Leftists assault Andy Ngo, recording a Black Bloc march.
6.30.19 Portland, OR. Battle of Portland. Permitted Patriot march attacked by Antifascist groups.

7.13.19 Portland, OR Armed “antifascist” Willem van Spronsen of ‘Puget Sound John Brown Club’ is killed by police, after setting fire to immigration facility vehicles,

and throwing molotov cocktails. His “I am Antifa” statement is published by several outlets including the Leftist website IGD.

On August 4th, Connor Betts kills 9 people including his sister at the front of a bar in Dayton, Ohio. He is killed by police.
Though Betts self-identifies as a Leftist, investigators do not identify a political or racial motive- but reveal Betts was obsessed with shooters.

8.17.19 Portland, OR Hard right Proud Boys & others march across the bridge to Portland Waterfront rally.
Antifa attacks. Leftists attack bus with hammers.

On August 3rd 2019, a shooter pens a racist manifesto and kills multiple Hispanic patrons at a WalMart in El Paso.
The shooting is condemned by the right and left with President Donald Trump saying,
“In one voice our nation must condemn racism, bigotry and white supremacy.”


4.30.20 Lansing, MI Protesters on the political right, some with firearms, protest without violence inside the Michigan state capital against COVID. restrictions.

5.26.20 National BLM Protests and riots following the death of George Floyd. 25 people killed.
*2 officers assassinated by Steven Carillo a right wing Boogaloo. *2 killed by Kyle Rittenhouse in militia self-defense case.
*An armed Austin motorist fatally shoots an armed Leftist when a car enters a crowd.

David Dorn killed in St. Louis intervening with a looting. Utah militias form to police protests.

Dozens of riot actions on the west coast and in big cities nationwide.
Portland activist scene vs. Federal officers at Justice Center.

* Separate page in construction cataloguing  May - Aug 2020.

7.25.20 Louisville, KY The NFAC (Not Fucking Around Coalition), an armed Black nationalist militia, marches in Louisville.
One of their guns accidentally discharges injuring three of their own members.
Organizer Grandmaster J is eventually found guilty of pointing a gun at a federal officer in a separate march in September.

8.20.20 Portland, OR Anarchist Antifascist Black Bloc attack on ICE facility

8.22.20 Portland, OR* Battle for Portland 2: ‘Mother of All Back the Blue’ rallies at Justice Center countered by @PNWYLF @RoseCityAntifa et al.

8.22.20 Los Angeles* Leftist antifascists counter Beverly Hills Freedom rally.

8.29.20 Portland, OR Trump caravan met by Antifascist Counter action. Fights in streets. Michael Reinoehl shoots and kills Jay Danielson.

9.03.20 Lacey, WA Antifascist militant Michael Reinoehl is killed extra-judicially by Federal agents. Trump praises the killing at a rally.

9.07.20 * Salem, OR MAGA rally at Oregon Capitol. Antifa / BLM show up. Patriot group rushes and beats counter protesters.
*Seeking more info.

Portland, OR ICE facility riot against law enforcement.

9.26.20* Portland, OR Proud Boys schedule park rally. Antifa schedules for same park. Proud Boys move location. Some leftists follow, minor scuffles.
In a peripheral incident, Proud Boy associate kicks young cameraman in the head.

10.08.20 Michigan The federal government arrests 13 militia members of the Wolverine Watchmen in an alleged plot to kidnap Gov. Gretchen Whitmer.

The FBI methods come under intense scrutiny in regards to entrapment or if the number of Militiamen are outnumbered by Feds.
After prelim hearings wrap Sept. 1st 2022, no immediate indictment is offered to advance to trial.

10.10.20 Denver, CA An unlicensed security guard gets into a fight with a right wing protester, shoots & kills him at Denver Capitol.

10.17.20 San Francisco Conservatives at rally vs. Big Tech beaten by @BerkeleyAntifa and @AntifaSac_

11.14.20 Washington DC Million MAGA March, They / Them collective & DC Antifascist group launch multiple “Punch Maga in the face” assaults
* Proud Boys retaliate in evening tearing down signs and street scuffles

12.05.20 Sacramento Conservatives attacked at California Capitol Stop the Steal rally by @AntifaSac_
12.05.20 St. Paul Conservatives return to parked cars in both cities with windows bashed out, cars vandalized.

12.12.20* Washington DC Leftists oppose Million MAGA March 2. Black Bloc vs. Proud Boys all-out brawl in DC. LARP RIOT
Proud Boys tear down BLM signs at Church.

12.12.20* Olympia, WA Right wing rally is opposed by Leftist counter action. Militant right and militant left clash at Washington state Capitol.
1 man shot by an individual on the RW protest side, after a clash breaks out between a woman on the right and others on the Left.

12.19.20. Twitter Donald Trump announces “Big protest in D.C. on January 6th. Be there, will be wild!” Organizers brand event as “Wild protest.’

12.21.20 Salem, OR Oregon Capitol rioting by militant right over COVID restrictions.


1.01.21 Salem, OR Oregon Capitol rioting by activist & militant right over COVID restrictions.

1.06.21 Washington DC January 6th Capitol Riot & Insurrectionary action. Proud Boys & Oath Keepers charged with conspiracy.
Separate page link here.

1.06.21 Albany, NY Two Proud Boys stabbed by man ideologically opposed to them at state Capitol protest.

1.07.21 Los Angeles, CA Multiple fights at Stop the Steal protest in LA. Black woman assaulted and pepper sprayed by right wing protesters.

1.09.21 San Diego, CA @SoCalAntifa group attacks Patriot “Stop the Steal” rally on Pacific Beach. They pepper spray a dog as well.

11 members of the Antifa group are charged with 29 felony counts and conspiracy under the state of California.

1.20.21 Portland, OR Biden inauguration rioting at ICE complex and Dem HQ.
Seattle, WA

1.24.21 Tacoma, WA Minor rioting in Tacoma after a protest action following an officer driving through a crowd the night before.

4.11.21* Huntington Beach A rumored White Lives Matter March provokes a huge BLM response. Suspected conservatives are mobbed.
Handful of actual Nazis show up and one with a swastika tattoo punches an Asian guy who opposed him. Both arrested.

6.18.21* Oregon City Proud Boys hold permitted gathering in Clackamette Park. Antifa Black Bloc show up to counter.
One burns flag, sparking LARP RIOT with 80-100 reported on each side.

7.03.21* Los Angeles WiSpa Riot 1 Several conservatives attacked unilaterally before rally. Bakersfield Proud Boys march with group.
Several brawls. An unidentified knifeman on the right wing side slashes several including a woman on his own side.

7.17.21* Los Angeles WiSpa Riot 2 Police prevent both sides from meeting. Leftists clash with police. Kettle arrests. Press attacks.
Lone right winger in shoulder pads bear sprays multiple people including live streamers on both left and right.

8.7.21 Portland Antifascist Anarchists attack a Christian family event including children. Throw explosives.

* Los Angeles City Hall Riot, stabbing of Patriot brawler, multiple beatings. Antifa rioter stabs brawler near heart.
* @SocalAntifa coalition showed up, initially provoked by lone right winger. LARP RIOT

8.21.21 Portland, OR Anarchist-Antifascist abandoned KMart parking lot Attack at Proud Boys rally,
over 10 miles away from their own counter-rally after Proud Boys move locations last minute. LARP RIOT

Lone gunman exchanges fire with Antifascists at separate Portland waterfront location.

8.29.21* Modesto, CA Straight Pride march opposed by Antifascist groups. Proud Boy strikes opposing Antifa member. Fights.

9.02.21* Olympia, WA Antifascists move on Medical Freedom Rally, then retreat. Proud Boys chase them across city to attack. Tiny Toese shot.

Darell Brooks kills 6 people and injures 62 others on Nov. 21, 2021 by using his vehicle to hit participants of an annual Christmas parade.
Brooks is representing himself in court.


2.20.22 Portland, OR Lone gunman, neighboring resident to a protest, kills one and injures 5 as gunfire is exchanged at Leftist Portland rally.

4.30.22 Portland , OR Antifascist Anarchists attack Mayor of Sandy conservative campaign rally.

5.17.22. Atlanta, GA 8 arrests, 1 molotov cocktail thrown at protest-riot against “Cop city,” a planned police facility.

6.8.22 Washinton DC A 26 year old man, “armed with a Glock 17 pistol and knife,” is taken into police custody after arriving at Jusitice Kavanaugh’s home.
The man called the police himself, after a conversation with his own sister convincing him to do so.
He planned to kill the justice in response to the leaked Roe v. Wade draft decision.

6.11.22 Coeur d'Alene, ID White ethno-nationalist Patriot Front arrested on suspicion of a planned riot in a U-Haul headed to a Pride event.

6.24.22 Phoenix Rioting over Roe vs. Wade. Demonstrators attempt to storm the Arizona state house.

Los Angeles Rioting against police in wake of Roe vs. Wade reversal. Antifascist uses make shift flame thrower against police.

7.23.22 Tampa Bay, FL. National Socialist Movement Neo Nazis rally near a school. No Leftist opposition.
Without hard evidence, right wing activists denounce them as “Feds.”

8.29.22 Modesto, CA Antifa Sacramento shuts down Straight Pride march.

9.03.22* Riverside, CA Brawl between right wingers and Socal Antifa supporters. Right winger strikes out with disproportionate force and is arrested.

Right wingers protesting all-ages Pride event, counter protested by @SoCalAntifa. Groups in each others face for hours.

9.18.22 McHenry, ND After a political dispute, a 41 year old intentionally kills a conservative teenager with his car. Gets out on $50k bail.

New York City A group of conservative Hispanic demonstrators protest a Drag Queen story hour for kids event in Queens, NYC.
They hold signs reading “Shut it down,” a mantra appropriated from the Leftist protest scene. *No violence.

Note: Over the summer there are similar instances of Proud Boys and the activist right contesting (and in South Bend, Indiana shutting down), “Drag Queen story hour” or all ages Pride events- in opposition to gender ideology and children participating in adult events. More research on this new front of cultural conflict in a forthcoming PAGE.

5 events of political violence & 2 political attacks in a 6 day period.

In the week before the 2022 midterms the following occurred…

10.23.22 Eugene, OR Conservatives protest a drag show at a goth bar called Old Nick’s. Antifa groups mobilize as security & clash with protesters.

Several conservatives are maced. The black bloc mob strikes down a houseless person. Rocks are thrown back and forth.

10.23.22 Hialeah, FL Four men severely beat a canvasser for Republican Senator Marco Rubio.

10.24.22 Penn State Students organize to shut down a speech event with Gavin McGinnis (founder of the Proud Boys) and troll-comedian Alex Stein.

Stein is spit on, as he grandstands in front of the crowd. A Proud Boy is prevented from entering the event resulting in a scuffle.

Several masked right wingers in khakis are taunted “you want to die?” One draws a canister of spray, a man grabs for it. A right winger maces the crowd.

10.25.22 Portland, OR A rally for women’s spaces is attacked by Leftist activists using cream pies to assault the women.

10.26.22 Tacoma, WA A non-partisan women’s march is opposed with force, interrupted, and threatened by young Trans-activists.

10.26.22 Davis, CA Black bodybuilder conservative Stephen Davis campus speaking event is attacked. At least one woman is maced.

Proud Boys melee with Antifascists.

A man named David DePape attacks Nancy Pelosi’s husband with a hammer in a SF home invasion on October 28, 2022.

He confesses he sought to kneecap the Speaker. DePape is connected to the SF nudist scene and a wide variety of conspiracy theories.

His ex-partner (with whom DePape has children), who is doing time as a child sex offender, told Press DePape is mentally ill.

Note: The attack on the Pelosi home is by nature a political attack. There are some factors to consider in its classification.

Like the Vegas attempt on Trump in 2016, the attack appears to be carried out by a mentally ill individual.

Furthermore, the attack was confessed to be a “suicide mission.” The attacker reportedly had others on his list.

Like the Vegas attempt, the suspect is also not a citizen, but in this case an non-legal resident in the US.

Note: Some events left in neutral plain text as determination could not be made.

Not all local incidents made national coverage.
Please email omissions to jeremy@publicreport.org